Programming, Graphics, Sound, & Design | Carol Nudds, Richard L. Yapp
Story & Poetry | Carol Nudds
Additional Programming | Walter Bayer, Neil Dodwell
Actors | Hollie Nudds, Teresa Simonelli, Lucy Smith, Bradley Whale, Will Yapp
Materials Co-Ordinators | Kelly Evans, Lorna Owen
Manual and Packaging Design | Anthony Roberts
Manual and Packaging Text | Carol Nudds
Manual Editor | Huw Thomas
Voice and Music Production | Phillip Morris
English Voices | Tom Conti, Judy Holt, Ron Meadows
Producer | Richard Baxter
Executive Producer | Steven Riding
Business Affairsa | Jamie Ingram, Emma Quinn
QA Manager | Feargus Carrol
Testers | Jenny Newby, Richard Yandle
Intro Video | Steve Gilbert
Mac Conversion | Steve Rose
Windows Conversion | Jim Finnis
German Voices | Martin Arnhold, Wolfgang Becker, Ellen Schulz
French Voices | Evelyn Celerien, Philippe Monet, Philippe Smolikowski
Spanish Voices | Marisa Benlloch, Miguel Penranda, Carlos Riera
UK Product Executive | Dawn Williams
UK PR Executive | Jane Hickey
UK Trade Marketing Executive | Dawn Lambert
French Product Manager | Thierry Genre
French PR Executive | Benoite Lavie
German Product Manager | Sabine Westenberger
German PR Executive | Ingo Zaborowski
German Trade Marketing Manager | Janice Zima
International Product Executives | Jane Hickey, Dawn Williams
International PR Manager | Carolyn Seager
review1.txt | Reviewed by Rosemary Young (January 1997)